Hiring Manager Reflecting on the 2023 Legal Recruitment Landscape

Reflecting on the 2023 Legal Recruitment Landscape

Before the year draws to a close, we wanted to share some quick thoughts with you, and give you the low down on what was the 2023 legal recruitment landscape.

In 2023, it’s been evident that law firms consistently face the challenge of attracting and retaining the right legal talent for their business needs.

From our conversations with law firms, we see one of the main barriers to success is their hiring approach.

Many firms are stuck in their reactive hiring ways, only initiating their recruitment process when a need arises. On both sides of the Tasman, it is often taking 6 months or more for firms to fill vacancies, particularly when they rely on traditional recruitment methods.

Our goal at Insource is to empower our customers to engage in more proactive and cost saving strategies, setting them up best for 2024. In 2023, Insource achieved well over $1 million in recruitment savings for law firms. So, to get on the front foot (instead of starting the hiring process on the backfoot) let Insource support you to build a pipeline of legal talent and transform your legal recruitment approach.

We have some very exciting product initiatives on the horizon for next year that will help automate and drive efficiencies around your pipelining efforts. Watch this space!

You can learn more about reactive vs. proactive hiring, and the power of pipelining talent, in some of the insights we published this year.

We hope you enjoyed our short reflection on the 2023 legal recruitment landscape.

Above all else, we wish you a joyful and relaxing festive season.

From our team to yours, Happy Holidays, and best wishes for the New Year.

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